Lee Bullet Seating Micro – Meter adj screw – Handgun
Produsent: LEE

398,00 kr

Product Information

Lee Bullet Seating Micrometer Adjust Screw – Handgun

Set your bullet seating depth in .001″ increments with Lee’s new Bullet Seating Micrometer Adjust Screw. Infinitely adjustable, allows precision seating depth. Eliminates annoying clicks that prevent splitting thousandths. No clicks, just smooth. Black anodized, laser etched scale allows you to easily and quickly set your depth, and achieve repeatable results round after round. Works on all Lee bullet seating dies.

Easy to use: Simply remove your existing adjustment screw, and thread in the micrometer.
Infinite adjustment: Allows you to set your bullet seating depth precisely.
Economically priced: You’ll want one for every die

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