Slixprings TTN M1878 Lever Spring
212,00 kr
Product Information
Stronger, Smoother and more Durable Top Lever Spring for 1878 TTN Shotguns
Improvement over stock top springs
Fits 1878 TTN Shotguns
Smoother more dependable replacement
Designed and developed top lever spring especially for those officiadoes in the Classic Cowboy category. The spring is designed merely to replace the stiff, and most times unevenly ground, existing cast spring. Field tests by local TTN shooters over the past several weeks have proven the spring will guarantee a solid lockup and reduce opening pressure significantly. The Slix TTN Top Lever Spring is manufactured with music wire stock and after forming is heat set to reduce any subsequent set or reduction in power. Inappropriate installation procedures can destroy or reduce its effectiveness.
Because there are so many different pressures, tolerances and dimensions between production runs and even individual shotguns, this is not totally a drop-in replacement. Although we have watched adequate gun repairmen correctly install the spring, and if you have a little experience with working on them go for it, but we encourage you to contact your local smith or tuner. Incidentally, during our first tries at installing the new spring we “Twanged” two across the shop.
The only critical issue while installing the spring is to be certain that the “LONG” leg of the spring MUST be placed into the detent in the FRAME of the block, then obviously, the short leg attaches into the lever drum detent. Yes, one IS longer! Notice it is on the right side in the above picture. It isn’t that much longer, but it is longer and it has to be against the frame for it to work properly.
The manufacturers want to clearly point out that if you have little or no idea how these springs are supposed to fit and work, get help or find someone who does know how to install them. Due to all the variations in machining tolerances, this is not a “one-size-fits-all-perfectly” drop-in set. It may take some individual fitting.
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